Wednesday 16 August 2017

image Q.73 - Microfracture

Q.  Treatment of injury in which of these disorders, micro fracture is done at affected site?

a. Nonunion
b. Avascular necrosis
c. Exposed bone
d. Cartilage lesion
e. Physeal growth arrest

Answer -

' microfracture' is term used for treatment of early cartilage lesion in which microdrilling is done to induce localised hematoma with resultant growth factors to induce  healing.

In avascular necrosis drilling is done with larger diameter drills and the term is core decompression and not microfracture.

Similarly in nonunion drills are used for freshening the nonunion end and opening the obliterated medullrt cavity.

Exposed bone is sometimes drilled to stimulate medullary granulation tissue to cover the defect.

Drilling epiphysiodesis is old technique of physeal growth arrest in the management of angular growth deformities.

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