Tuesday 1 August 2017

image Q. 69 - Braced Up

Q.   What is the splint applied below to stabilise fracture ?

a. Metal board
b. Knee brace
c. Krammer splint
d. Bohler splint
e. Thomas splint
f. Braun splint

Answer -
The splint applied in the image for fracture femur apears to be made of multiple wires  across a frame forming a supporting splint and that is called Krammer wire or splint.

Bohler splint better called Bohler's modification of Braun splint and that is metallic frame aiming knee flexion and multiple pulleys for various sorts of traction and is heavier and bulkier.

Thomas splint on the other hand consists of a ring attached to two metal bars longer than the extremity in a specific arrangement. 

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