Monday 12 February 2018

image Q. 116. - Namesake

Q.  All of these are synonyms that are interchangeably used except?

a. Cotyloid fossa AND acetabular fossa
b. Caput collum diaphysis angle AND neck shaft angle
c. Scarpa's triangle AND femoral triangle
d. Promontory AND ala
e. Plafond AND dome

Answer -
d and e

Cotyloid fossa is found in acetabulam and is synonymous with acetabulam fossa.

CCD ( caput collum diaphysis angle) is nothing but another name for neck shaft angle of proximal femur.

Scarpa's triangle is femoral triangle. Pain and tenderness over this triangle suggests hip joint or femur neck pathology.

Promontory and ala are part of sacrum but they are not the same ( see image below first)

Plafond is distal tibia articular surface that is like roof of ankle joint over the dome of talus  and thus are not the same ( image second).

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