Wednesday 20 December 2017

image Q. 100 - Fluidity

Q.   Fluid - fluid level is found in ?

a. Unicameral bone cyst
b. Intraoseous lipoma
c. intra isseous ganglion cyst
d. Aneurysmal bone cyst

Answer -
Fluid fluid level is characteristic feature seen in MRI of bone lesion suggesting aneurysmal bone cyst.

Some notable features of common bone neoplasm are given here :

Fallen fragment sign - Simple / Unicameral bone cyst.

Blade of grass/ Flame appearance - Paget disease.

Stippled / Pop corn/ Punctate calcification - Enchondroma

Jailhouse appearance - (stripe vertical lines in vertebra) - Hemangioma

Chicken wire appearance ( microscopy) - Chondroblastoma

Split fat sign (MRI) - Scwannoma

Presence of hemosiderin - Pigmented villonodular synovitis ( PVNS)

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