Friday 17 November 2017

image Q. 95 - Footwork

Q.   All of these are described techniques for serial plaster management of clubfoot except?

a. Ponseti technique
b. Accelerated Ponseti technique
c. Modified Ponseti technique
d. Reverse Ponseti technique

Answer -
 Ponseti method of manipulation and casting is widely used method of conservative treatment of clubfoot.
 It requires serial corrective casting every seven days (weekly).

When Ponseti technique is used every five days, then it is called accelerated Ponseti technique.

Modified Ponseti technique is used for complex or atypical clubfoot.

Reverse Ponseti technique, on the other hand has been tried in clinically different foot deformity known as CVT ( congenital vertical talus) by some workers.

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