Wednesday 29 November 2017

image Q. 96 - Meter down

Q.    Which of these is clinical aspects of musculoskeletal quality ?

a. Arthrometer
b. Goniometer
c. Telescopy
d. Dynamometer

Answer -


Arthrometer is used in assessment of  ligament tension or laxity etc. It is measured by various arthrometer like KT- 1000, KT - 2000.

Goniometer is used to measure joint angles to calculate range of motion.

Dynamometer is used to assess hand grip strength. Popular ones are Jamar dynamometer etc.

Telescopy on the other hand is clinical examination method used to assess normal joint excursion along force vector. It is commonly used to assess hip pathologies resulting in instability or after checking stability following hip arthroplasty procedure 

Friday 17 November 2017

image Q. 95 - Footwork

Q.   All of these are described techniques for serial plaster management of clubfoot except?

a. Ponseti technique
b. Accelerated Ponseti technique
c. Modified Ponseti technique
d. Reverse Ponseti technique

Answer -
 Ponseti method of manipulation and casting is widely used method of conservative treatment of clubfoot.
 It requires serial corrective casting every seven days (weekly).

When Ponseti technique is used every five days, then it is called accelerated Ponseti technique.

Modified Ponseti technique is used for complex or atypical clubfoot.

Reverse Ponseti technique, on the other hand has been tried in clinically different foot deformity known as CVT ( congenital vertical talus) by some workers.

Wednesday 8 November 2017

image Q. 94 - Game theory

Q.   All are stress/ strain related injuries except?

a. Gymnast wrist
b. Javellin thrower's injury
c. Atheletr's foot
d. Jumper's knee

Answer -

Gymnast's wrist is stress related physeal injuries.

Javellin thrower's injury is strain of ulnar collateral ligament in thrwing sports like javellin.

Jumper's knee is patellar tendinitis.

Atheletes foot on the other hand is a fungal infection of toes. It is also called tenia pedis

Monday 6 November 2017

image Q. 93 - High AIIMS

Q.  ' AIIMS test' is related to clinical assessment of which of these?

a. Vascular examination of upper extremity
b. Nerve entrapment
c. Test for tendon assessment
d. Test for neoplastic lesion

Answer -

Evaluation of presence of palmarus longus tendon is essential for it's use as tendon graft as it is not present in every individual. One of the many test is AIIMS test devised and used first in AIIMS, New Delhi.

Friday 3 November 2017

image Q. 92 - Full plate

Q.   Which of these is not anatomical structure ?

a. Subchondral plate
b. Side plate
c. Endplate
d. Quadrilateral plate
e. Base plate

Answer -

b and e

Subchondral plate is found immediately beneath calcified cartilage. Thickness of this plate is noted in various disorders like osteoarthritis and osteoporosis.

End plate is part of vertebral body and makes its superior and inferior surface.

Quadrilateral plate is part of acetabular anatomy in pelvis.

Side plate or barrel plate is part of DHS ( dynamic hip screw) used for fracture fixation of stable intertrochanteric fractures.

Base plate as in tibia base plate is part of total knee replacement.

Thursday 2 November 2017

image Q. 91 - Love hurts

Q.   "Lover's fracture" is related to ?

a. Head
b. Chest
c. Pubis
d. Heel

Answer -

Lover's fracture is fracture of calcaneum, termed after fall of a lover from height.

The associated injuries like that of spine should also be excluded.

It is also called Dan Juan fracture.