Wednesday 25 October 2017

image Q. 90 - Battle of bulge

Q.   What is denoted by the arrow in the below imaging?

a. Modic change
b. High intensity zone
c. Scmorl node
d. End plate cyst
e. Intradiscal cleft

Answer -

The bulge or prolapse of the disc usually takes place posteriorly or posterolaterally toward spinal canal. The bulge or prolapse of disc toward vertebral body above or downward may also be found at times. This is termed as Scmorl's node.

Modic changes are MRI based changes in end plate of vertebra.

High intensity zone (HIZ) is found in MRI in early disc prolapse when annular tear has just started and that is seen as focus of high signal intensity area adjacent to affected annular tear site.

Other two options are not correct.

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