Sunday 16 April 2017

image Q. 31 - Muscle power

Q.   The two joint muscles ( muscles crossing two joints) are all except?

a. Biceps brachii
b. Biceps femoris
c. Rectus femoris
d. Semimembranous
e. Semitendinosis

Answer -

All hamstring muscles ( semimembranous, semitendinosis and biceps femoris) along with rectus femoris are two-joint/ byarticulate muscles.

Other examples are rectus femoris and gastrocnemius in lower limb and biceps brachii and long head triceps in upper limb.

The catch here is as all options are correct, biceps femoris short head is not two joint muscle thus this one is the answer here in the view of unspecified term used.

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