Monday 26 December 2016

image Q. 4 - About bump

Q. The common well defined soft tissue swelling at dorsum of wrist is ganglion in most cases, which if these is closest d/d of similar swelling in hand?

a. Enchondroma
b. Exostosis
c. Lipoma
d. Giant cell tumor

Answer -

Enchondroma is mist common bone tumor involving hand. But tgt would commonly involves digits or metacarpals and not present as such swelling.

Exostosis is bony outgrowth but very rare in hand and will be hard on palpation.

Lipoma is well defined freely mobile soft tissue mass that may occur anywhere in the soft tissues but will be kept lower on differentials.

Giant cell lesion especially Giant cell tumor of tendon sheath (GCT TS) is common entity and second most common tumor of hand after enchondroma.

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