Friday 31 March 2017

image Q. 22 - Big question

Q.   Which of these is referred to as 'unsolved fracture' ?

a. Talus fracture
b. Calcaneum fracture
c. Femoral neck fracture
d. Open tibia fracture
e. Stress fracture

Answer -
Due to various treatment modalities and guidelines apart from individualised treatment and unpredictable outcome; fracture neck femur is common but often puzzling injury so also called 'unsolved' rightfully.

Wednesday 29 March 2017

image Q. 21 - pelvic shake

Q. 'Duverney fracture' is associated with which of these part in given image?

a. Ischium
b. Iliac spine
c. Iliac blade
d. Sacrum
e. Coccyx

Answer -
The isolated iliac blade fractures are also called Duverney fracture. These are however stable injuries in isolation.

Saturday 4 March 2017

image Q. 20 - After the break

Q.  Which injury is shown here in below radiograph?

a. Bucket handle fracture
b. Open Book fracture
c. Malgaigne fracture
d. Straddle fracture
e. Horse rider fracture

Answer -

The bilateral superior and inferior pubic ramii fractures are called straddle fractures

Open book is another variant of pelvis fracture with symphyseal injury or adjacent fracture with sacroiliac joint injuries.

Malgaigne fracure are unstable pelvic fractures with anterior and posterior injuries due to vertical axis forces.

There is no entity called horse rider's fracture. However, development of a bone in adductor magnus muscle is terned as Horse rider's bone.

Wednesday 1 March 2017

image Q. 19 - Spineless

Q.   Which of the anatomical feature might be affected in below patient with acute low back ache ?

a. Kyphosis
b Rotation
c. Flexion
d. Lordosis

The normal curves of spine are affected and they seem to be lost in the setting of acute back ache due to muscle spasm.

The normal curves are -

Cervical and lumbar region -  lordosis
Thoracic  region - kyphosis

Thus in cases with severe muscle spasm these normal curvatures will be lost as in case here depicted by loss of lumbar lordosis leading to straightening of lower back.

This shows importance of rest and pain medication with muscle relaxants as initial treatment to relieve pain and spasm.