Friday 27 January 2017

image Q. 11 - Back to basics

Q.  Which of these structure is indicated by arrow in MRI section of spine?

a. Pedicle
b. Superior articular facet
c. Pars interarticularis
d. Facet joint


The bilateral structure with white inner filling suggestive of fluid in this view likely corresponds to facet joint with synovial fluid.

Like other joints, these also get involved in arthritis leading to decreased space and irregularities. These are thus source of pain in those cases.

Superior and inferior articular facets make these joints.

Pars interarticularis is present between both articular facets and is often defective in cases of spondylolisthesis. 

Thursday 26 January 2017

image Q. 10 - Playing footsie

Q.  'Nutcracker fracture' is found in which of these bones ?

a. Calcaneum
b. Navicular
c. Cuneiforms
d. Cuboid


Cuboid fracture when comminuted due to axial compression is also referred as nutcracker fracture.

Saturday 21 January 2017

image Q.9 - Broken forearm

Q. Which of the option best describes below injury?

a. Nightstick fracture
b. Greenstick fracture
c. Buckle / torus fracture
d. Plastic deformation


Bending fractures with one cortex breach while other side intact are called greenstick fractures as in this case.

Nighstick fractures result from resisting a stick injury on forearm leading ti isolated ulna fracture.

Buckle or torus fracture usually involve metaphyseal region and buckling of periosteum is seen as mild elevation at injured site.

Plastic deformation is bending of bones without overt fractures and is found in pediatric bones. The correction is done by sustained force in opposite direction leading to correction.

Saturday 14 January 2017

image Q. 8 - Nailed

Q. The implant used in below radiograph can be all of these except?

a. Flexible nails
b. Elastic stable intramedullary nails
c. Titanium nails
d. Growing rods
e. All of the above

Answer -

The nails used in paediatric long bone fractures like in this case can be a,b, and c as all these are synonymous. Growing rods, however are used in scoliosis surgery as these may be increased in length as per growth of the child.

Tuesday 3 January 2017

image Q. 7 - Wrist twist

Q. Which of these option is best applied for below fracture?

a. Galleazzi fracture

b.Dorsal Barton fracture

c. Volar Barton fracture

d. Colles' fracture

Answer -

The radiograph shown here displays fracture of distal radius and all the options may have fracture if distal radius, but the abnormal distal radioulnar joint in this case makes it Galleazzi fracture.

Colles fracture involves only distal radius fracture mostly in elderly age.

Barton fractures involve volar or dorsal articular lip of distal radius and called volar or dorsal Barton fractures accordingly.